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Friday 14 November 2014

6 Habits That Kill Your Intelligence

Losing Brain
Although you may not believe it, there are certain habits that you have fallen in to, which are hindering your ability to move forward in life. Although you think it has no effect on your life, these bad habits that kill your intelligence not only set you back, they are also going to stop you from being able to accomplish certain things, or attain the goals that you have set for yourself. These are some habits that are holding you back, and possibly causing you to make poor choices or decisions in your life.

1. Not Creating and evaluating
It is impossible for you to go forward and backward at the same time; it is also impossible for you to go up and down simultaneously, the same goes with your mind. When you are trying to create something, and evaluate the success at the same time, you are never going to get a project going.
You first have to find out what you want to create, how it is going to work, and draw out the plans; you will then create a project or product, and only after it has been created and implemented, can you begin to evaluate how it is performing, in any situation. Give things time, and do not try to do two complete opposite tasks, at the same time.
2. You think you’re are expert 
The expert syndrome is another habit people have, which kills their intelligence. When you believe you are an expert at every and anything, you stop learning. You will never be humble enough to listen to others, and learn from their experience.
This is in fact going to set you back, and is going to hinder your intelligence. Be open to the fact that you do not know everything, and that anyone can help you learn something new. Not only will this allow you to learn new things, it will help you come off as less of an ignorant person with others.
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