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Thursday 6 November 2014

7 Things We Forget To Thank God For

Show gratitude that there’s a purpose and plan for your life bigger than you

Every good gift comes from God
The apostle Paul reminds us “in all things to give thanks.” Here’s a list of things we can take for granted and forget to appreciate.
1. "The ability to begin again.":The Almighty is a God of infinite second-chances. Through grace and mercy, He gives all the opportunity to start anew.
2."Harmony and peace in the home.": A functional home filled with God’s presence and good communication is a gift. Don’t take for granted the joy of heaven on earth found in a peaceful abode.

3"A dedicated spouse.": Lifelong companionship with someone loyal and who truly understands you is something that MONEY cannot buy.
4. "Your calling and ministry.": Show gratitude that there’s a purpose and plan for your life bigger than you. It’s a blessing to be a part of God’s grander story of eternity.
5. "Lasting friendships.": Some people are “fair weather” friends. They come around when things are good. Give thanks if God has given true friends that stand the test of time
6. "Prized Posessions.": Whether it’s your favorite golf club, book, watch or purse The Lord saw fit to grant it. Never get so caught up in the gift that you fail to thank the Gift Giver.
7."Eternal relationship with God.": Having a relationship with God is the single most important component of life. Paul says training for godliness pays dividends not only in this life, but also in the next. Thank Him daily for His undying love that desires covenant relationship with His children.

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