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Wednesday 5 November 2014

7 Ways To Pray When You Are Angry

 Anger almost always boils down to a wounded relationship, bringing yourself to a place of forgiveness will release a breakthrough in your prayer life and can allow God to grow you in a greater spiritual way

The Bible tells us to be angry and sin not. So it’s okay to be angry in fact, God expects this to happen to us from time to time.
However we shouldn’t let the sun go down on our anger, we’re supposed to release the weight of wrath so that it doesn’t weigh us down the next day.
Here are 7 ways to vent your anger in prayer from the book How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God or Anyone Else For That Matter….
  1. Honor With Honesty: Job was a righteous man who honored His Creator by honestly calling God out on the tragedy he suffered. Even when his wife encourages him to “curse God and die,” he doesn’t. Be honest with God about the pain you’re feeling, it is through this type of honest dialogue in prayer that God will bring clarity and lighten the burden.

  1. Ask Why?: Know that God doesn’t have to answer you, but asking why demonstrates that you accept God’s sovereignty in your life. You’re not saying no, you’re simply saying “Father what is your plan for this crisis?” God will give you the wisdom in the situation if you can truly handle His answer. Remember Jesus’ prayer of desperation on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
  2. Acceptance: We have to find a level of acceptance and contentment that goes beyond our natural circumstances…this is outright spiritual! Accepting the situation, will allow you to dominate the emotion of anger and bring it under the submission of the Holy Spirit. Easier said than done, but God will help you.
  3. Forgive: Anger almost always boils down to a wounded relationship. Bringing yourself to a place of forgiveness will release a breakthrough in your prayer life and can allow God to grow you in a greater spiritual way. Don’t let pride steal your ability to move in love and grace.
  4. Be Silent: I know it may not seem like a time to be silent, but a moment of silence will bring you into a place of stillness, tranquility and awareness of your oneness of spirit with God. Refocusing on harmony  with God is a perfect way to get us back in harmony with others.
  5. Next Steps: Ask God to give you a game plan for next steps. Work with God to develop an action plan for how to move forward in the situation. Does He want you to give someone a phone call? Has he asked you to yield yourself in willful submission to a superior? Maybe He says turn on your favorite soaking album and rest all day in His presence!
  6. Be Thankful: End your prayer on a thankful note. The enemy likes to magnify the problem, but we have to learn to magnify our God. Recount your personal history with God and all He’s brought you through and this will help redirect your perspective and bring you into a position ready to receive favor, blessing and promotion.

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