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Thursday 6 November 2014

Benefits Of Exercise In Health

Physical Activities and regular exercise have been proven by health specialists and researchers to have great benefits to health. Being healthy might just involve a few physical activities you've been trying very hard to ignore. Keeping fit has being emphasised on as a regular effort we make to live longer and healthier regardless of age, sex, race, religion and physical ability. 

Here are few benefits exercise provides to our health.

1. Controls Weight: Staying fit and involving yourself in physical activities and exercises helps to burn excess body fat and cg#cholesterol which may build up to occasion obesity, heart diseases e.t.c This has been proven overtime to help to keep body weight checked. Don't forget, diet is also an important factor in this 

2. Improves Mood: Exercise keeps you active, happy and free. Exercising triggers the body to produce hormones by the brain that helps to balance our mood and emotions. Happy people live better, healthier and longer. You're on your way to improving yourself esteem and confidence.

3: Increase In Energy: Regular physical activities gives muscle strength and endurance. During exercise, more oxygen and nutrients are sent into our tissues and this helps our cardiovascular system (heart, lungs, e.t.c) work more effectively and gives more energy for our daily life.

4. Manages and Prevents Health Conditions: It has been proven that adequate exercise can help reduce and fight a lot of health conditions like stroke, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, certains types of cancer, depression (mental illness), arthritis, e.t.c. Exercises that increase the heart rate like swimming, jumoing ropes (skipping), bike riding, jogging e.t.c helps decrease risk of heart disease by about 20-60 percent. Also, yard working moving around more, playing golf regularly can also reduce heart attack risk so you don't need to only run marathons to keep the heart healthy.

5. Reduces Stress Level: Woring out, taking the step instead of elevators, yoga and other exercises reduces the level of stress we feel. This prevents/reduces the likeness for you to smoke cigarettes or over eat due to stress. Exercise will help you focus on more important aspects of your life.

6. Promotes Better Sleep: When you notice you don't sleep well or you have insomia, then you need to take part in more physical activities. Exercise helps to relax the mind and body, thereby improving sleep and relaxation.

About 30 minutes exercise should be done daily and atleast 2 hours 30mins (150minutes) of exercise weekly. If you have any health condition, physical inabilities or over weight, choose an exercise routine carefully or with the help of a fitness trainer. A little exercise is better than none.

AVNsports.com.... Sports, Health & Fitness

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