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Thursday 6 November 2014


While thinking and pondering in my subconscious mind about the natural occurrence and rules of life, two things confused me, NO! Three things I couldn’t understand; the true worth of living a dignified life, the certainty of having a bright undisrupted future and the trying moment of a man. While pondering over these issues, I could only draw conclusion on the last one, coming to accept it as a natural occurrence.

In my attempt to seek further realities prior to this issue, I came to realize the need for gold to pass several purifying process before coming out as one of the most glaring stone ever known. No man is permitted to pass through this world without been subjected to the perils and tumor of this earth, but one thing makes the difference, it is a function of the ability to stand, fight and overcome great obstacles facing the course of one’s life maybe as a result of fighting for dignity, upholding the dignity of a nation or trying to break abnormal protocols to stand out from the crowd as a glaring hero. Then who is a hero? A hero is one who has fought storms and waves and has been being commissioned and given a ship to head upon, he is the sole captain of that ship just as Neilson Mandela is the father of apartheid.

Nevertheless, in the history of man, some are born great while some achieved greatness but posit it to say that those that weren’t born great but achieve greatness in  life has really fought the storms of life to be outstanding their days. To every man, there is a unique mission, if and only if they can break the siege of ignorance and pursue diligence with a purposeful heart, every man would have been celebrated a HERO.

Furthermore, take a break to watch the life of great investors of ideas and scientific knowledge, men I so much respected, though some in blessed memories, men like Isaac Newton, many saw the apple fall but only Isaac Newton dare to ask WHY? This brought about the laws of motion, in which I and you manipulate values to get result. Men like the “RIGHT BROTHERS” who built the airplane despite several failures and criticism they encountered in the course of their research but that “something more” they added to keep the plane from flying without falling, made them outstanding from others who have attempted building an airplane. Great author and positive thinker like Napoleon Hill, who exposed the powers of carefully sitting for ideas. Read the life history of people like Thomas Edison (inventor of neon bulb), Michael Faraday (inventor of electricity) and alexander graham bell (invented the telephone) etc. Bringing it home, back here in Africa, men like Neilson Mandela, Chinua Achebe, Chika Obi and the host of others that made great outstanding records before their demise. They didn’t make it to the top because their way was a smooth path, infact, the reality of it is that, they were among those most tormented by the waves of life, but their persistent and determined minds broke grounds for them.

Its quiet appalling that in this days, instead of having records of celebrated heroes, it is celebrated  criminals who siphon the country’s treasury without been punished, public office holders claiming to be above the law using the immunity clause syndrome as a prove, so much corruption in public office. Standard of education collapsing every day as a result of high quest for paper certificate, rather than the acquired skills and competency.  So much rot in the atmosphere, but I so much believe life is a choice, and every man has a right to define his path, the ball is in your court. Once again, WHAT WILL POSTERITY REMEMBER YOU FOR?

From the acts of been Noble, am still *UNEKE JOHNCHINS*

November 2014

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