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Wednesday 29 October 2014

UNILORIN Has Best Website Among Top 10 Nigerian Universities ...UNN's Is Worst... See Snapshot and Reasons

When the 2014 UNIVERSITY WEB RANKINGS for Africa released by International Colleges and Universities(ICU), no Nigerian University was listed among the ten best in Africa.
In the Nigerian Universities rankings, the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) was the best University in Nigeria, followed by the University of Lagos (UNILAG), with the  Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) coming 3rd.
University of Ibadan (UI) was 4th, Landmark University (LMU) 5th, Covenant University 6th, Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA) 7th, University of Benin (UNIBEN) 8th, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB) 9th and University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) came 10th.
Some people have disagreed with this ranking, leading to this rankings by Student Pulse.
We have made a new list based on the user experience of the WEBSITES of these TOP 10 universities.
  1. University of Ilorin (UNILORIN - www.unilorin.edu.ng): UNILORIN's website has blue and white as the predominant colors. It has a nice slider which you can PAUSE and PLAY. The main interesting things about the website are the very efficient multilevel menu tabs, detailed floating sidebar widget and a footer that contains a lot of useful links, even links to Nigerian newspapers. We also love that it has a very accessible, well positioned search bar and a fresh news ticker. You might also enjoy the video tour found on the homepage. The header is however very boring, especially as the UNILORIN logo and name are hidden in a lot of blue space. Score 83%
  2. University of Lagos (UNILAG - http://unilag.edu.ng/): UNILAG's website is built on the main colors red and white. It has good menus, but nothing special. I don't like that the main slider is too fast can only be controlled paused pauses when you hold the mouse over it - now, not many people are so tech savvy to know that. The site however loads very fast and has almost all you need on the front end - Prospective Students, Staff Login Students Login and Resources. It's multilevel menu is awesome and the homepage is well arranged. Why is the search bar is hidden below the address bar? It is however good that the Google customized Search bar shows results as pop-outs, meaning you can keep the page. It is very bad though that when you type the search term 'school fees' there is no result from 2014. Score 80%.
  3. Landmark University (LMU- http://lmu.edu.ng/): LMU built its website around green and grey. I love its innovative wipe-left slider which has nice pictures. Unfortunately, some of the pictures are not linkable - dead ends.  It probably has the best header with the University name and logo as well as the Google customized search bar well positioned there. Simple design, less clutter and PERFECT social media showing and links. The big + is that the information on th front page is current and you can navigate easily. It however still lacks that final professional touch. Score 75%.
  4. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU - http://www.oauife.edu.ng/): OAU has blue and white as the main colours on its website. It has a lovely slider which allows you to select slides by clicking below it. Beside the slider is the Kedu talk + video! app which claims to allow student "connect with your friends, Lecturers, Colleagues and Groups over the OAU intranet service." The header and name of the institution is however well designed with the search bad clearly displayed on the far right. The rest of the homepage is however boring and the footer has lots of link but the graphics and aesthetics are below par. Score 64%.
  5. Covenant University (CU http://covenantuniversity.edu.ng/): This nice website was loosely built around purple and green. It has nice slider which seems to be uncontrollable, though linking well. Logo is almost lost in lots of white space and it does not have multilevel menu. It however still has the mature feel with less clutter. A minus is that it doesn't give enough on the home page. Score 60%.
  6. Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA - http://www.futminna.edu.ng/): Purple based website. Good multilevel menu system. Search bar in the header. The name ad logo melts into all that purple and the slider seems to running a race against time, but it has a back and forward button and it is linkable. Sadly, it is very slow loading and has lots of down-time when it is inaccessible on laptops, desktops and mobile devices. Below the header, there was no attempt at arrangement, with too much white space and a footer that seems slightly playful. Score 55%.
  7. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB - http://www.unaab.edu.ng/): UNAAB's website is as green as a maize farm in the raining season. I love the menu system and header. It is also very informative right from the homepage. But the three column system is somewhat cluttered and ill-informed. It is also distractive with almost every page element either winking or blinking. Score 54%
  8. University of Ibadan (UI - http://ui.edu.ng/): UI's website (?) looks too much like a teenager's blog, with an oversized a slider as the main homepage feature. The menu bar s also poor, not so clearly defined. Don't be surprised if you can't search because the search bar is hidden at the footer! On a positive note, it links to its social media accounts well and it has an innovative parents portal that states 'VERIFY THE ACADEMIC STATUS OF YOUR WARD. I think that is good in an era where some students get rusticated but keep lying at home. Score 47%.
  9. University of Benin (UNIBEN -http://www.uniben.edu/): UNIBEN's light purple website is a joke, given the position of the university. The jumbo slider covers the whole screen and has very poor images. The menus are divided above and below the slider. They're not multilevel and tiny. The about us section, like everything else, is oversized and boring. It's ridiculously giant social media links are horrible. As as the last time checked, the Twitter account was last used on 21st of March 2013 with 260 followers while last Facebook post was July 29 and the Google + link is a dead-end. Score 39%.
  10. University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN - http://www.unn.edu.ng/): UNN's greenish website has a fine header, a useful side bar with multiple link and a prominent search bar too. The menu is stylish and looks interesting but is very limited with no drop-downs/multi-level navigation. The site is however cluttered and unresponsive. Worse still, if you zoom the page, the elements rearrange themselves - horribly! But the biggest horror yet is the very large grey space below the main menu. Score them 35%.
There you go, let us have your opinions. What do you agree or disagree with?

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